Bike to Work

Mr. Bike to Work 2020 cycled 13,020 kilometres to work in one year

Last year employees enrolled in Bike to Work cycled an impressive total of 4,5 million kilometres. Geert Van Den Bossche of Technicolor Delivery Technologies Belgium has every right to call himself Mr. Bike to Work 2020. Last year his commutes by bike added up to a whopping 13,020 kilometres.

Speedpedelec vs. racing bike

Since his wife convinced him to buy a speedpedelec in November 2019, Geert has been commuting by bike year round. From Lokeren to Edegem and back, he travels more than a hundred kilometres a day. It took him a couple of weeks though, to find the perfect route to work. “Especially on a speedpedelec, a safe route is very important.” Along the highway E-19 and the river Scheldt the roads are nice and straight, so he particularly enjoys cycling there. During the winter months the support of the speedpedelec is very welcome, and helps to keep him moving and fit. In the summer he alternates between his SP and a racing bike.

Bike to Work gets you rolling

Granted: the colder months aren’t always easy. But he takes in stride that his rides can’t always be sunny. “During winter storm Chiara I came in here, water sloshing in my shoes. You could pour it right out!” he laughs. Luckily he could take a shower as soon as he arrived at work. He made a case for his employer Technicolor Delivery Technology Belgium to enroll in Bike to Work so as to motivate their employees to cycle more. They also tackled their infrastructure: there are said showers, but also good bicycle storage, and lockers for everyone. By now several colleagues have made the switch to cycling. And the registration of their commute makes it easier for HR to pay the bicycle allowance, that Geert also strove for.

Better, best, bike.

Compared to other forms of getting around cycling is the most pleasant choice according to Geert. It is simply incredibly freeing. By car, his commute was very unpredictable because of traffic jams, but by bike he can leave whenever he fancies and know exactly when he’ll arrive. “When I was coming in by car, I would have to leave at half past six, so I’d be in by half past eight. I couldn’t have my breakfast here. Now I can leave whenever I want to and I can see my kids and wife in the mornings.” In addition, he is convinced that cycling is a great way to keep himself mentally fit as well. His job as a product manager is stressful, but he keeps his zen thanks to this commute. He proudly shows us his T-shirt: Bike more, Worry less. Behind the wheel in a car, you’re often quite stressed, Geert finds, whereas on the bike you can really calm down: “On my bike I get all these ideas. Coming to work is now a way to destress and decompress.”



More than 370,000 employees already have access to an affordable bicycle today through o2o Bicycle Leasing. What are the benefits of leasing a bicycle?