Simplified procedures Pendelfonds

"Companies are a crucial link in the transition to sustainable commuting".

Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters is reforming and simplifying the procedures within the Pendelfonds. The Flemish government gives its final approval. 

"Sustainability and administrative simplification are two of the four pillars of my policy and come together in this reform of the Pendelfonds," said Minister Peeters. "I have had the Pendelfonds evaluated and this has shown that the approval and follow-up of subsidy dossiers for the Pendelfonds must be simplified. We want to avoid procedures and bureaucracy deterring people from submitting projects. I want to create a cycling ambition and a cycling reflex in companies, and the simplification of the procedures for the Pendelfonds is part of this. A new call for subsidies will soon follow to make sustainable mobility projects possible."

The Pendelfonds subsidises projects that promote sustainable commuting. Projects that aim to reduce the number of car journeys between home and work can qualify for a subsidy from the fund. Companies or other private institutions, but also local or provincial authorities or other public institutions (in cooperation with a private partner) can apply for the subsidy. Since 2007, a total of 25.8 million euros in subsidies have been paid out to companies from the Pendelfonds. This involved a total of more than 300,000 employees.

A thorough evaluation in 2020, in cooperation with, among others, the Provincial Mobility Office, the supervisory committee and the Department of Mobility and Public Works, revealed that too little effort is being made on cross-company cooperation. It is only 18 per cent. "We also see that in recent years most subsidies go to large companies," said Minister Peeters.  That is why, among other things, the maximum subsidy amount for the joint submission of a dossier by several companies will be increased. "This change to the Pendelfonds is crucial for stimulating cross-company cooperation. So that we can also motivate smaller SMEs to submit a sustainable mobility project together", says Minister Peeters.

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